SCHOOLS - teaching art, imagining the school
Professeure : Agathe Dumont
Spécialité du cours : anglais
Type de cours : Atelier en anglais
Cours obligatoire
Options : Art, Design
Années : 1è
Semestres : 1 et 2
Nombre d'heures de cours : 4 heures
Planning : mardi matin tous les quinze jours
Develop written and oral expression in English around a collective project.
Acquire a variety of resources (books, films, theater, visual works) in English.
Workshop theme for 2023-2024: the art school: spaces, ideals, practice.
This workshop will be an opportunity to reflect on the art school through the practices and writings of artists in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and from our current context (pedagogies, sociology of art, art as teaching, etc.). What “learning art” or “transmission of artistic knowledge” means. What is artistic, technical, empirical knowledge? What are / have been the forms of learning in art?
Oral discussion. Analysis of audio, text or video documents. Creative writing practice. Development of a collective project
Critical thinking. Ability to speak and write in English
Attendance and commitment to group work. Progress in written and spoken English (no level required, only progress is assessed)
John CAGE, M : Writings ’67-’72, Calder and Boyars, Londres, 1973
Allan KAPROW, « How to make a Happening », New York, Something Else Press, 1966
Valérie Mavridorakis et Christophe Kihm (eds.), Transmettre l'art – Figures et méthodes – Quelle histoire ?, Les presses du réel, 2014.
Pablo Martínez, Emily Pethick, What, How & for Whom/WHW (eds.), Artistic Ecologies – New Compasses and Tools, Sternberg Press, 2022.
Barend van Heusden, Pascal Gielen (eds.), Arts Education Beyond Art
Teaching Art in Times of Change, Valiz Antennae, 2015.
Michael Beggs and Julie J. Thomson (eds.), Weaving at Black Mountain College, Yale University Press, 2023.
Boris Charmatz & Isabelle Launay, Undertraining, Les presses du réel, English translation, 2011