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Translating the Interior

Professeure : Tamarind Rosetti
Spécialité du cours : ​anglais

Type de cours : Atelier en anglais
Cours obligatoire
Options : Art, Design, EXTRA, ECRAN
Années : 5è
Semestres : 1 et 2
Nombre d'heures de cours : 4 heures
Planning : lundi matin tous les quinze jours // semaine B


Create a solid foundation in English for the 5th year students around their DNSEP work in preparation for entry into the professional field. Expanding artistic and design horizons to include work throughout the Anglophone world and supporting individual research with artworks, designers and architects working in English.


Research in English, translations of master’s theses, CVs, biographies, exhibition articles, gallery notes and catalogs.


Discussion, interaction, creation of art and design projects, collaboration, reading, journaling, documenting (paper, video, audio, photo, words).


Spoken and written English with 5th year level art, design, textile knowledge


Participation, completion of projects, speaking, writing, reflection.


Hiller, Susan, The Last Silent Movie

Supplies, Susan, Can the S'une Lie?